- Collections of preserved butterflies (including gigantic Rajah Brooke Species)
- A tiny moon rock donated by NASA to our former PM (from NASA's first lunar expedition)
It was a COOL learning experience. Imagine discovering science in a museum. Well, that was a decade ago.
Few days ago, I revisited National Museum in Jalan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. I was IMPRESSED! Everything changed. One word to sum it all - MODERN. I saw interactive exhibits with high tech AV (audio & video). A creative and educational way to reach out to the public. 'Malaysia Boleh' (translation: Malaysia...Yes You Can).
I like to share with you my TOP 10 MUST-SEE exhibits in National Museum, creatively integrated in my poster. This is my first attempt designing a poster. A challenging and time consuming task. I LOVE to hear your comments and critiques. Feel free to drop your comments.
Behold! My poster.
My Top 10 COOL EXHIBITS In National Museum
Click this picture to view actual size or [CLICK HERE]
Designed by mylo. That's me!
- This is a preview.
- You need to click the above image to load the poster.
- When the poster is fully loaded, click two times to view the original dimension 1280 X 1024 (actual poster size).
My Top 10 MUST-SEE Exhibits in National Museum:
- Homosapiens Skull - The Legacy of Perak Man
- Giant Top/Gasing from Midanao, Philippine
- Merdeka Parker Pen
- The murals of National Museum Made With Italian Mosaic Tiles
- Makara Stone
- Statue of Avalokitesvara
- Unique Traditional Betel Sets/Tepak Sirih
- Dong Son Drum
- Sword That Killed J.W.W. Birch
- Exotic Pending Gold Buckle
Poster Technical Details:
- Original Dimension: 1280 X 1024
- Poster Size: 343kb
- Photographer & Designer: mylo (shloke)
- Software: Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Last updated 5th March 2010 (8:53 p.m.) Re-up broken link.
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Download Brochures:
- Brochure 1 - Museum 4 Zones Layout (English, 933kb, PDF File, 2 pages)
- Brochure 2 - Museum 4 Zones Layout (Malay, 930kb, PDF File, 2 pages)
Note: These files are hosted in MediaFire. All broken links are RE-UP. Last updated 18th February 2010 (10:10 p.m.)
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Contact Details:
National Museum (Muzium Negara),
Jabatan Muzium Malaysia,
Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia,
Jalan Damansara, 50566 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel 03 2267 1000
Fax 03 2282 6434
Opening Hours:
Daily 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Opens every day except during the first day of Aidil Fitri and Aidil Adha.
Entrance Fee:
Tickets are priced at RM2.00. It can be purchased at the ticket counter.
Free for children under twelve years of age and children wearing school uniform.
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Getting There:
By Bus
Board the RapidKL bus No.115 (KL City Shuttle RM2 per day) at Central KL. KL Hop-in Hop-Off bus service is also available. For KL Hop-in Hop-Off bus, Muzium Negara is located at bus stop no 12.
By KTM Commuter and Rapid Kelana Jaya Line (Previously known as Putra LRT)
Get off at KL Sentral station, and then walk a distance of 0.5 km to Muzium Negara. Pedestrian path is available from KL Sentral to Muzium Negara. Follow the signboards.
There is ample parking space available at the Muzium Negara. The parking rate is RM2.00 for cars and RM1.00 for motorcycles.
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Google Maps:
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Thing To Do/See:
- Gallery A (Early History Exhibits)
- Gallery B (The Malay Kingdoms Exhibits)
- Gallery C (Colonial Era Exhibits)
- Gallery D (Malaysia Today Exhibits)
- Aboriginal Culture Exhibits (In Separate Building)
- Malay Culture in Asia (In Separate Buildings)
- Asean Exhibits (In Separate Buildings)
National Museum (Muzium Negara) - Read More/Useful Links:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Museum_(Malaysia) (National Museum - Wikipedia Article)

wow... it's like ages since i visited the museum when i was a kid >< bet it must has changed a lot ya!! anyway about the poster... erm well you gotta work hard on it... it's lacking of colours to attract one's attention =p still you are not pro... it's just my opinion :)
National museum has changed a lot since the last ten years. With all these AV around, it does look and feel very modern. I missed those animals exhibits. No longer there.
Yep, I should have enhance the contrast. Looking back it does look a bit 'pale'. I 'lasso-ed' those image directly. Perhaps...resizing the original picture washed out the pixels and quality.
But then again, I LOVE the white background :) Thank you for your comments. It helps me to understand the my strength and weakness.
Impressively done! Deserving of a 5-star rating. The gasing is unique. Looks like I too have to revisit your National Museum whose facade is much more attractive than Singapore National Museum.
Amazing stuff you did Mylo. Love the posted! Btw, it must have been years since I visited the museum although I pass it like 5 times a week. :)
Malaysia Asia
mylo-do check malaysia airlines website , they are launching GLOBAL SALES for 5 days effective today.The flight ticket is very cheap.
You should come to see the British Museum! I think they've got almost everything from the rest of the world!
I can easily spend many days there...
Roger & David,
WOW! I did not expect to receive these warming comments. Thank you so very much for your wonderful support!
Roger, the museum is BIG. Beside the main building which houses four galleries, you may visit two other separate buildings (same compound) to see aboriginal culture and word carvings, Malay Culture in Asia and also splendid exhibits from Asean countries.
You'll love the two large murals donated by a Dato. Completed with beautiful Italian mossaic tiles.
WOW! Great bargains from MAS!!! Thanks for sharing. Checking it ASAP :)
British Museum - definitely grander. But, I would love to see Darwin's collection in British Natural History Museum. Sigh...I really need to take some time off and visit UK. London here I come!!
Back from nostalgia! I dunno, its hard to just touch my blog. Very nice blog tchr! I wonder if there would ever be a course in blogging. perhaps a PhD? Dr. Loke the blogger.
Goin to Singapore and Johor next week Monday cant wait! all my relatives are there.....
One more thing. Did u change ur number? Just askin. And yes, i voted for your blog. Amazing posts! I'll never achieve that kind of blogging.
It's like a profession for you. Cheers.
r0ke w1ng
Darwin's Collection?
They just opened a new Darwin Centre at the Natural History Museum about two months ago. I went there last month.
It was so-so. There are about 70 million specimens at the museum and they put about 20 million at Darwin Centre but you can only see about 100 of them... It's a bit disappointing! But I can't complain much since it's free.
Well, all of us can improve our blogging skills. Practice makes perfect :)
Actually, I started blogging since August 2008. Learn everything all by myself - including HTML & scripts. Well, if you LOVE blogging and computer, you should be able to create a better blog.
Thank you for your VOTES :)
My h/p number is still the same. Nevin, travel safe.
WOW! Thanks for sharing these wonderful info about the new Darwin centre.
I LOVE Darwin. I will definitely LOVE to see those 100 Darwin's exhibits.
Cheers to all!