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I read somewhere that the largest Rafflesia flower ever recorded was found this year in the Cameron Highlands. I'd appreciate your views.
wow more than 100ppl like your page!! congrats :) lol
Nice Mylo! Congrats on your FB Page. You got 100+ fans in no time. Mine took like 2-3 months before I could even see 100 fans.
Hi Roger and welcome back! There are many different versions about the discovery of world's largest Rafflesia arnoldii in Cameron Highlands (CH).
I was unable to find the exact source of your info. However, a contributor to Wikipedia has modified Rafflesia arnoldi page with the following points:
"The largest recorded flower was measured at 1.04 metres on February 11, 2010, in Malaysia on the edge of the Cameron Highlands".[citation needed]
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafflesia_arnoldii
(Note: Citation is needed to pinpoint the source of this info)
Upon further research, I stumbled upon a recent travel article. Some travelers discovered a 1.04 m Rafflesia flower during their recent hiking.
"We trek for another 40mins, higher up in the jungle to find the largest Rafflesia, which blossomed last week, all 1.04metres diameter of it". 17th Feb - Cameron highlands tour
Source: http://www.fuzzytravel.com/therese/14563-penang-cameron.html
It's difficult to verify these facts. Wikipedia wrote it was dicovered on 11th February 2010. The travelers found it on 17th February 2010.
fufu & David
Thank you so much for joining my page! Getting that initial push to get fans is the really difficult part. I need to diversify my Facebook posts to make it more attractive. Also, the interactions between people and content contribute some fans :)
Cheers to all!
I've trekked in Cameron many times and have yet to come across the Rafflesia. Isn't it the job of the National Park to verify? Anybody can make claims, right?
In Borneo I think NPark is more efficient. Once a Rafflesia is discovered, it's verified and pictures and measurements taken. HQ is informed as well.
Barangkali di Semenanjong mereka enak tidor. LOL
If I join yours, I'll expose my ID?! Ha ha...
London Caller's father is Najib. Politically sensitive one ah! Ha ha...
Re: Office juggler / 办公室杂技人 / Penjugel pejabat / 事務所のジャグラー
No, she's not a busker. Just showing off her skill. ;-p
Hi Mylo! Just like ur FB page! :D Ur site is getting better each day! Congratz!
It's not easy - especially when trekkers and travelers had only oral evidence. We have to look at the data (photographic & precise measurement) and verify whether the claim is justified or not. I do agree with you that any Ah Beng or Ah Moi can make their claims :)
LOL! Your identity is safe with Facebook enhance privacy features. No need to reveal too much :)
Thanks Eunice, your words mean a lot to me!
Cheers to all!