A beautiful collection of floras in KL Lake Gardens. Pictures taken with my Nikon D60
I did some further research on this report and uncovered some eye-catching statistics. I was shocked because Malaysia was rated as VERY POOR in handling our greenhouse gas emissions. Believe it or not! We were grouped together with China - the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter. Click this screenshot to learn more:

Source: Climate Change Performance Index 2010 (PDF File: 2.4MB)
Developing nations including Malaysia and Indonesia must do more to cut emissions. Our government must set a national target to cut greenhouse gas emissions ASAP! Latest News (18th December 2009): Malaysia is adopting a voluntary national reduction indicator of up to 40% in terms of GDP emission intensity by 2020 compared with 2005 levels. Source: TheStar.
Many city folks and urban dwellers are scratching their heads. More and more people are wondering how they can do their part to reduce greenhouse gas. One week ago, I've spoken to my senior colleagues about this issue. One of them suggested a visit to KL Lake Gardens to get some green ideas. That's fabulous!
Last weekend, I decided to shelve my scheduled plans and paid a full day visit to KL Lake Gardens. I wanted to see the green development and hope to get some ideas on ways to lower down our carbon emissions. It was a fruitful trip. Remember to read the whole article.
KL Lake Gardens is also known as Taman Tasik Perdana (Perdana Lake Garden). It was officially opened on 1st May 1975 by the second Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Haji Abdul Razak Hussein. The park has an area of approximately 92 hectares.
The attractions that has been developed for public use includes:
- Orchid Garden
- Hibiscus Garden
- KL Butterfly Park
- KL Bird Park
- Deer Park
- Boathouse
The winged beauties in KL Butterfly Park. Pictures taken in KL Butterfly Park with my Nikon D60.
I parked my car at National Museum in Jalan Damansara, KL. Next, I walked across the overhead bridge from National Museum to Lake Gardens. It was a refreshing walk. Along the way, I stumbled upon a group of happy tourists. A smiling face is a reflection of a relaxed mind. Our foreign friends LOVE the green attractions in KL Lake Gardens.
At first, I visited KL Butterfly Park. Finding the place is not difficult as informative signboards are placed at strategic locations. Upon entering the park, I saw loads of winged creatures (butterflies) flying around. The butterfly park is a huge man-made indoor garden with big trees, flowering plants and turtle ponds. Visitors are allowed to pour droplets of sweet sugary solution on the feeding station. In less than a minute, more than 20 butterflies flocked the station. It was a feeding frenzy. A wonderful opportunity to capture these unique creatures with my camera.
After that, I checked out the collection of insects. I saw skinny stick insects, cute dung beetles, scary tarantula and poisonous scorpions. These 'live' exhibits are AMAZING! Definitely an eye-opener for visitors. The park management did a wonderful job by putting up fun and amazing facts next to the exhibits. Another plus point is the souvenir store that is chocked full of unique butterfly and insect themed gifts.
Next, I visited KL Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens. The two gardens are located side by side. Entrance is free of charge. I was mesmerized by the vast collection of orchids. The Orchid Garden houses about 3,000 orchid species from around the world, with 800 species from Malaysia alone. So many colors, shapes and sizes. I love the smell of these flowers! The smell makes everyone enjoy walking around them and they bring a sort of cheerfulness to the atmosphere. I'm one of the guys who fell in LOVE with the floral beauties. LOL!
Along the way, I stumbled upon row of shops selling orchids. WOW! The shops were packed like sardines! The plants are cheap and beautiful. You can get a big pot of orchid plant for a mere RM4. My mum loves orchid. So, I bought two beautiful pots of orchids.
Clockwise: A rose-like hibiscus, a hibiscus bud and the famous clam-shaped gigantic hibiscus. Pictures taken with my Nikon D60.
Then, I visited the hibiscus garden. The five-petaled hibiscus is Malaysia's national flower. This garden showcases more than 2,000 varieties of hibiscuses. Inside the garden, there is a building that houses the displays of different hibiscus species, hibiscus-related products and handicrafts. Remember to check out the clam-shaped hibiscus. This gigantic species is a MUST-SEE attraction. The pink colored flower is as big as my face!
Lastly, I walked 400 m to KL Bird Park. An adult ticket cost RM15. It is quite pricey by Malaysian standard. Our KL Bird Park is listed in TripAdvisor as the TOP 2 must-see attraction in KL. Source: TripAdvisor. I've read countless good reviews from travelers. So, I had high expectations.
KL Bird Park is one of the world's largest free-flight walk-in aviary. It has approximately 800 birds of 60 local and foreign species living together as a perfectly balanced community in a semi-natural, man-made environment. I was impressed seeing birds flying and walking freely in the park.
The best part of the park is that you can get very close to the beautiful birds (including the magnificent peacocks and milky storks) in the aviary - the birds are simply walking around you. That's really AWESOME! I spent two hours exploring the flamingo pond, hornbill park, world of parrots, bird gallery and exhibition centre (egg incubation room and nursery).
Clockwise: A newborn chick, feeding frenzy, a beautiful peacock & a hungry pigeon. Pictures taken with my Nikon D60.
I Was Inspired To Fight Global Warming & Green House Gases
Overall, I had a superb time discovering the green beauty in KL Lake Gardens. I LOVE the lush gardens, breathtaking views, quiet, secluded and most of all relaxing atmosphere. A nature lover's and birder's paradise!
In addition, I saw big trees all over the lake. It's a peaceful and serene place... far away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. I did not expect KL to be so beautiful and vivid.
Greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem. As populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep Malaysia in good condition so that future generations will have the same natural resources that we have. This trip has inspired me to make small and big changes as much as I can to lower down our green gashouse emissions.
One of the best way to lower our carbon footprint is to help the environment by planting trees which absorb CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). Trees absorb carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen as a by-product. Planting trees is a way for people to offset the damage done by their carbon foot print.
Do you know?
- An average person produces 26 tons of CO2 per year.
- 6 matured trees can absorb 1 ton of CO2
So, I proposed this brilliant idea to my HR and Community Department during one of our quality meeting. It was discussed and accepted unanimously. We're going to have our very first tree planting campaign. Our main objective is greening our HQ and surrounding area by planting trees. We nicknamed the project "Rising Green".
Believe me. Small changes at home and office make a big difference in climate change efforts. So, wait no more. Start greening. NOW!
KL Lake Gardens - Getting There:
This is the most comprehensive way to experience the magic of Kuala Lumpur. Not only does it cover all major attractions, the tour also includes key shopping centres in the city. KLCC, Twin Tower, Bintang Walk, Merdeka Square, KL Tower, KL Sentral, Lake Garden, Petaling Street, Jamek Mosque, Sri Mahamariamman Temple, St. Mary’s Cathedral. Over 42 major sights and attractions.
Trains, Light Rail Transit systems, Monorails
KL is pretty well connected with relatively cheap and easy way of travelling around.
KL Lake Gardens - Google Maps:
KL Lake Gardens - Things To Do/See:
- Orchid Garden
- Hibiscus Garden
- KL Butterfly Park
- KL Bird Park
- Deer Park
- Boathouse
Green Inspiration - Read More/Useful Link:
- http://tinyurl.com/yl95lj6 (KL A Bit Greener Now - TheStar Article)
- http://www.germanwatch.org/klima/ccpi2010.pdf (Climate Change Performance Index 2010)
- http://tinyurl.com/ywzsep (TripAdvisor Reviews on KL Bird Park)
- http://www.klbirdpark.com/ (Official Portal of KL Bird Park)
- http://tinyurl.com/ydcnxr6 (Malaysia aims for 40% cut in carbon - TheStar)
- http://tinyurl.com/yf462ly (CLIMATE CHANGE: Copenhagen Talks Create Hardly a Ripple in Malaysia, Article from IPS News Agency)
i like the pigeon picture =p yeah do you know anything about the hopenhagen 2009? anyway greenhouse gas is part of my studies also actually :) erm malaysia is still extremely poor in dealing this problem.. wish najib could take good action and not only TALK
Hi Mylo, I love the colours you have here. If only I had much time like you to explore KL :)
Malaysia Asia
Hopenhagen 2009? Yep! It's a bold move to save our planet. A BIG STEP from Kyoto Protocol. It's either now or never. Global climate is getting erratic and unpredictable. I see loads of natural or perhaps man-made disasters as the results of global warming.
Our PM Najib is offering credible cuts in carbon emissions. I totally agree with him...it's not an easy task. You have to spend loads of money to create green technology and improve the existing ones.
Also, the level of awareness among Malaysians is very low. Try to ask a person on the street about greenhouse gas and global warming....you'll get all sorts of funny replies.
Thanks! Remember to take some time off to 'jalan-jalan' in KL :)
Cheers to all!
nice shot mylo.we are so obsessed in trying to become a fully developed nation that we neglect our mother nature.what's the use of becoming one if there are pollution everywhere.
There are still a lot of things we need to do in order to achieve this goal.
First, we need to educate our people.
Then, we need serious funds from the government to support the scheme.
Malaysia should stop building the world's tallest, biggest, whatever rubbish, especially towards Hari Merdeka celebrations? Instead, we should use the money for more meaningful stuff.
Well, we have to look at our 'rakyat' mentality. Awareness is all time low. We always expect rubbish collectors and road sweepers to keep our country clean. Everyone has a role to play to create a better place for living and working.
There is still time for us to change. Development and environment management must go hand in hand. Gosh...it's so easy to say but 'hard' to do.
Exactly! We really need that! You know what?! Even foreigners are questioning about our lack of awareness on these global warming & green greenhouse gas issues.
I stumbled upon this article from Inter Press Service News Agency (IPS):
CLIMATE CHANGE: Copenhagen Talks Create Hardly a Ripple in Malaysia
Read more:
We really need loads of money to offset our carbon footprint. It's going to be very expensive. But, I believe it'll be a wise investment for our future generations.
Thanks for the link.
I did some Carbon Footprint in my Master course.
I also wrote about "Green Roof" for my dissertation.
Climate Change is inevitable, we can only reduce its speed but we cannot achieve this if everyone is not pulling their weights...
No problem :)
WOW! Green Roof? That's brilliant!
Well, let's hope people will understand the severity of the problem. Actions need to be taken ASAP.
Beautiful pics and thank you for sharing all that info…This is such a beautiful place and I am certainly going there to enjoy all the sights and relax at one of the best budget hotels in Kuala Lumpur.